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We hope you will find this site helpful for you to learn more about From the Heart Christian School, where our motto is Excellence in Christian Education since 1984. FTHCS is a private Christian program for educating children whose parents are members of From the Heart Church Ministries®, located in Suitland, Maryland. Our School is not open to non-members. FTHCS is a K3 through 12th Grade program that is designed to produce students who know who they are from God’s perspective and who have been educated by teachers, school staff and an administration all compromised of members of From the Heart. Our students are equipped with the spiritual and natural foundation and tools to succeed upon graduation. Please contact us if you need further information about our School and Ministry.

We hope you will find this site helpful for you to learn more about From the Heart Christian School, where our motto is Excellence in Christian Education since 1984. FTHCS is a private Christian program for educating children whose parents are members of From the Heart Church Ministries®, located in Suitland, Maryland. Our School is not open to non-members. FTHCS is a K3 through 12th Grade program that is designed to produce students who know who they are from God’s perspective and who have been educated by teachers, school staff and an administration all comprised of members of From the Heart. Our students are equipped with the spiritual and natural foundation and tools to succeed upon graduation. Please contact us if you need further information about our School and Ministry.

Preschool and Kindergarten
The focus of the Preschool and Kindergarten is to provide a comprehensive, research-based program that integrates proper early childhood development and education into our instruction which addresses the social, emotional, intellectual and cognitive skills of each child. Fine and gross motor skills, as well as hand-eye coordination and balance, are developed through engaging in active instruction and play time.
Elementary School
The focus of the Elementary School is to instill in students a desire to be excellent spiritually and academically. Spiritually, our desire is for students to build on the knowledge of who they are as children of the Most-High. Academically, our desire is for students to know and believe that they can succeed in every academic endeavor. In addition, our desire is for students to develop a mind to persevere so that they are equipped to handle any academic challenge.

Upper School
The focus of the Middle and High School is for students to walk in what they have been taught in their formative years. Spiritually, our desire is for students to develop themselves by establishing their own relationship with God through Jesus Christ and strengthening that relationship through obedience to His Word. In addition, our desire is for students to give of themselves by serving others and sharing Christ with others.