Praise the Lord!

We are honored that you have chosen From the Heart Christian School as the institution for educating your child.  We are committed to Excellence in Christian Education since 1984, in training up children untainted by and kept from the evil of this world according to John 17:13-17. Our school is open to members of From the Heart Church Ministries® and at least one parent or legal guardian of each prospective student must:

Join us for our OPEN HOUSE

The Christian School is hosting its Open House for grades K3-12, Friday, March 10, 2023 from 9:00 – 11:30 a.m.

Please email the school at or call us at 301-899-2968 by Friday, March 3, 2023 so we may prepare for your visit.

Where to start?

See what to expect from the Parental Agreement

All prospective parents are required to interview as part of the application process.

Prospective parents are scheduled for an interview as the beginning of the application process. 

It is strongly recommended that both parents attend this interview.

A new student is one who is attending FTHCS for the first time or returning to the school after more than two consecutive school years away.  We are committed to help parents in their commitment to train up their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, according to Ephesians 6:1-4.

The relationship of agreement between the school and enrolled parents is vital to the success of FTHCS students.  The interview will include a minister and a member of the school administration.

Prospective parents or legal guardians will be required to provide each student’s birth certificate, proof of legal guardianship (if applicable) and proof of employment. 

Coming Soon!

Rock the Blue and White with your Christian School merchandise!


Due to a water outage on the campus, the school is closed today Tuesday, February 11, 2025.

2-Hour Early Dismissal

Due to the forecasted inclement weather, the school will dismiss at 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 11, 2025. Aftercare will not be available.

2-Hour Delay

Due to inclement weather, the school will open 2-hours late on Wednesday, January 8, 2025.