Preschool and Kindergarten
Preschool and Kindergarten
The focus of the Preschool and Kindergarten is to provide a comprehensive, research-based program that integrates proper early childhood development and education into our instruction which addresses the social, emotional, intellectual and cognitive skills of each child. Fine and gross motor skills, as well as hand-eye coordination and balance, are developed through engaging in active instruction and play time. Spiritually, our desire is to introduce preschoolers to who God is, how they relate to Him and to know His desire for them to grow and develop in their obedience to the Bible and godly authority. Academically, our desire is to provide students with a solid foundation in the fundamentals of literacy, math, science, and social studies while developing in them a love for learning.

Daily Schedule includes...
All children will rest every day. Rest time is scheduled from approximately 12:00 pm – 1:45 pm each day. Not all children will sleep, but they are required to rest quietly on their cots during rest time. The school will provide a cot for each child. Parents must provide two small (generic) blankets or a beach towel for the child to use as bedding and cover for nap/rest time. If your child sleeps with a pillow, parent may supply a small, child-size (travel size) pillow. Pacifiers, baby bottles, nor sip cups will be allowed in school.
Children learn to identify the letters of the alphabet, recognize and produce letter sounds, recognize beginning letter sounds, learn to identify and produce rhyming words, identify syllables, and more.
Children begin to independently use letters to make words, and write their first name. Then students move to writing numbers, lower and upper case letters, words, and sentences. By the end of Kindergarten, students are able to write a short book.
Outdoor activities are important and just as necessary as the indoor program. Both are essential to the health, education, and development of your child. Every child in the School will receive outdoor time every day unless inclement weather prevents otherwise. Age appropriate playground equipment will be provided for large muscle development.
The gym is an alternate play area for the children when weather does not permit outdoor play. There is ample room for running, jumping, yelling and playing.
Bible is taught in a simple and child-friendly manner. The focus for these grades is for children to learn the Nature of God. Students learn about Creation, the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Christ. With prompting and support, children understand Biblical characters through Bible stories.
The School will daily provide one-snack for your child. A morning snack time will be allotted for students. Students may bring fruit (fresh, canned) and drink water during this snack time. Flavored water is not permitted. Please slice fresh fruit into bite-size pieces to eliminate choking hazards.
The School will provide a light afternoon snack each day for your child. Afternoon snacks consist of graham crackers, goldfish crackers, applesauce, or fruit cup.
Preschool Uniform

Boys Dress Code | ||
Shirt: Light blue polo style OSU No turtle necks Long or short sleeves Long sleeves cannot hang past wrist, nor can be rolled up | Sweater: (no monogram / no crest) Navy Blue OSU Cardigan button down only (no vest or pullover) PLAIN, No Zippers, No snaps, No clips | Pants: Navy blue Official School Uniform (OSU) No cuffs Pants cannot drag the ground/floor Elastic Waist if child still has potty accidents K3 (Complete Elastic Waist Preferred) |
Socks: Black or Navy blue | Belt: Black or Navy Blue (No design) When fastened, end of belt cannot extend more than 3 inches past buckle. Elastic preferred | Shoes: Black non-skid, rubber sole, casual dress shoes PLAIN, No sneakers, No sneaker type, No boots, No lights, No Super Hero, No Cartoon Design Shoes may have laces or Velcro No patent leather |

GIrls Dress Code | ||
Skort: Navy blue *Official School Uniform (OSU) Skort is a skirt & short combination Knit/Polyester Fabric No buckles No belts, bows or ribbons Skort length no more than 3” above knee | Blouse: Light blue polo style OSU No turtle necks No ruffles, no lace Long or short sleeves Long sleeves cannot hang past wrist, nor can be rolled up | Sweater: (no monogram / no crest) Navy Blue OSU Cardigan button down only (no vest or pullover) No Zippers, No snaps, No clips PLAIN, No bows, No ribbons, No lace |
Socks: Navy blue (tights optional for girls | Shoes: Black non-skid, rubber sole, casual dress shoes PLAIN, No sneakers, No sneaker type, No boots, No lights, No Super Hero, No Cartoon Design No protruding bows, flowers, butterflies, etc. Shoes may be laces or Velcro No patent leather |