The purpose of the From the Heart Christian School (FTHCS) Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is to advocate for and secure natural resources to support both the curricular and extracurricular activities of FTHCS; to promote the collaboration and engagement of families and the entire From the Heart Church Ministries (FTHCM) community; and to support a productive working relationship between FTHCS parents/families and FTHCS staff that benefits the student body.

PTA Committees
Current and alumni parents and the FTHCS teaching staff of the PTA assist the school in developing the spiritual, academic and social gifts of our students. PTA members commit to regularly attend PTA meetings, work on at least one PTA committee per academic school year and volunteer to support assigned school activities.

Booster Club
The purpose of the FTHCS Booster Club is to provide dedicated and enthusiastic support of FTHCS programs, students, teachers, and the FTHCS community as a whole by emphasizing FTHCS School Spirit and School Pride. The Booster Club procures financial resources and support to enhance the curricular and extracurricular activities of FTHCS through organizing fundraisers and locating grants and donations.
Class Sponsorship
The PTA will support the efforts of every grade (Grades K3 – 8th) and class (Grades 9th – 12th) throughout FTHCS to include class-specific sponsored events and activities. This is accomplished through support of elementary and middle school homeroom teachers and class sponsors with the teacher management of class affairs. Elementary and middle school grades typically have fellowships and activities and classes typically have fundraisers, fellowships and activities. Homeroom teachers and class sponsors play a major role in keeping the students focused on meeting their agreed upon goals and the PTA will assist FTHCS staff in these efforts.

SGA Support
The Student Government Association (SGA) is the student leadership of FTHCS who collectively represent the student body. The PTA will support the efforts of student-led events and activities in collaboration with the SGA. Specifically, the PTA will promote and publicize SGA programs and initiatives throughout the school building and among FTHCS parents, making every grade and class aware of these programs and initiatives, and encouraging participation. This includes working with the SGA Sponsor and providing support and parent staffing to assist in meeting the objectives of the SGA.
Church Engagement
The PTA will work to ensure that FTHCS is consistently visible to the congregation so that the church will know that FTHCS is a ministry that raises up a child from the age of three and develops them into a “Super Senior” with a goal of producing young adults that will make up the infrastructure of the church.